Body Culture magazines
As our name BODY CULTURE implies, this magazine is devoted to the development of the human physique, internally as well as externally. Although not a competitive lifter’s journal, we will publish notes and news regularly regarding weight-lifters and weight-lifting and suggest that would-be and established competition lifters would benefit tremendously through reading, digesting and practising methods of instruction advocated by BODY CULTURE (from editorual of v.1 № 2).
Body Culture volume 1, № 2, September 1949.
Muscular Size And Shape – The Author gives first-rate training instruction invaluable to the bodybuilder experiencing difficulty in developing both large and shapely muscles. The exercises for calves are of special value.
Physical culture in Norway – RUDOLF NESS is Norway’s most prominent advocate of the weight-training way of life, and author of the internationally famous book, “Kruppskultur”.
Body Culture volume 1, № 10, August 1950.
Practical Psychology – how to overcame worries and negative attitude towards life, psychology for bodybuilders.
Body Culture volume 2, № 1, December 1950
The Power of Thought – how to get from motivation to the action, don’t just rest in your imagination about what you are going to do.