Here is how you can become 50% stronger in a few enjoyable work outs.
By John Leonard, Mr. Universe
One of the goals of every iron man should be SUPER STRENGTH.
Unfortunately, too few bodybuilders ever fully exploit their strength potential.
The main reason is that they really don’t know how to train for maximum power. They believe that only such movements as the squat, bench press and deadlifts are power builders. They are, of course, wrong!
Any exercise can be used for molding giant power. The key is HOW the exercise is employed.
Fortunately, the principles of power training can be clearly outlined and are easily understood. Follow the simple rules and you can add up to 50% to your present power in any movement in a few short weeks.

SELECTION OF EXERCISES: When training for power you can concentrate on ONE movement only. Power cannot be spread over many movements. You will make fastest progress if you select one exercise and practice this solely for several weeks.
FREQUENCY OF TRAINING: Train 3 to 5 times weekly, dependent on your energy level If you feel fresh and have an urge to train, take a work out. If you feel listless and lacking in energy, do not train that day. Learn how to judge your energy level from your feelings. If you study yourself you will soon know when you should take a work out and when one should be missed.
HOW TO PERFORM EXERCISES: Warm up with a light poundage, performing 4 or 5 fast reps. Take a rest and add some poundage Perform 2 to 3 reps. Take a rest and add some poundage. Perform a single rep. Continue to add poundage and to perform single reps until you have reached your limit.
Take a rest.
Reduce poundage to original weight. Perform the FIRST HALF of the exercise only. As an example, in the curl you should curl the weight from the thighs until the forearms were parallel with the ground only and then lower the barbell to the thighs. Continue to perform single reps of this stage of the exercise only, adding poundage with each, until you have reached your limit.
Take a rest.
Reduce poundage to original weight. Perform the SECOND half of the exercise only. As an example, in the curl, start with barbell curled to shoulders and lower until forearms are parallel to the ground. Then, curl barbell back to shoulders. Continue to perform single rep of this stage of the exercise only, adding poundage with each, until you have reached your limit.
Take a rest.
Reduce poundage to original weight. Perform only a QUARTER movement. Once a-gain using the curl, move the weight from the thighs to a quarter of the distance of a full curl. Lower to the thighs. Add poundage and continue with single reps until you have reached your limit. In this final, quarter action movement, swing, heave, cheat in any possible manner. The entire idea should be to use as heavy a weight as possible. The more weight you learn to handle in this quarter action, the more you will eventually be able to use in the full movement.
MENTAL APPROACH: Cultivate and maintain an utter contempt for heavy poundages. Do not let them frighten you or set up mental blocks. Mental blocks, more than anything else, keep bodybuilders from handling heavier poundages. In 192O’s the a 300 pound clean and jerk was unknown in America. Once that mark was surpassed, dozens of lifters were ‘capable’. They had been capable for YEARS but needed someone else to succeed before their mental blocks were removed. In the 1930*s it was 350 pounds that was ‘impossible’. The 1940’s found 400 pounds the ‘limit’. Today, 500 pounds “can’t be done”. Yet, that mark will be reached and once it is, many will follow the leader. And–those who do follow the leader, could be first if they only believed in themselves and ignored the word ‘impossible’.
REST: At least 9 hours sleep nightly is needed by the power trainee. Occasional ‘breaking of training’ and a late night out is advised, but not too frequently. Once every two to three weeks is sufficient.
DIET: A heavy carbohydrate, liquid and protein diet is important. Large quantities of starchy foods, along with thick soup, milk and meat three times a day are imperative to success.
BODYWEIGHT: A maximum bodyweight permits a building of maximum power. You cannot retain razor sharp delineation and beat the world in power.
AFTER POWER: After you have developed a maximum in power in any exercise you can retain close to 100% capability by an occasional power work out. Otherwise train in the normal bodybuilding style.